
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

To Beat A Cold Naturally

To beat a cold naturally, or to stop a pre-cold in its tracks.

Take these three ingredients

1 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
1 tbsp Lemon Juice
1 tbsp Honey

Mix together very well 

Can be taken 2-5 times a day

Flame Retardant As An Ingredient In Soda

What do Mountain Dew, Fanta, Sunkist, and some Fresca and Gatorade flavors have in common? Clearly, they all contain lots of sugar and artificial ingredients, but did you know they contain a controversial synthetic chemical called brominated vegetable oil (BVO)? 

This chemical was first introduced as a flame retardant but is now in food.

"BVO has been shown to bioaccumulate in human tissue and breast milk, and animal studies have found it causes reproductive and behavioral problems in large doses." -Dr. Mercola.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Benefits Of Drinking Lemon Water

Here is some good info on Lemons... I Love Lemons!

10 Reasons Why You Should Drink Warm Lemon Water in the Morning

Instead of getting a cup of coffee, why not replace it with a warm water lemon drink? Below are the good factors to consider.

1. Boosts your immune system: Lemons are high in vitamin C, which is great for fighting colds. They’re high in potassium, which stimulates brain and nerve function. Potassium also helps control blood pressure.

2. Balances pH: Drink lemon water everyday and you’ll reduce your body’s overall acidity. Lemon is one of the most alkaline foods around. Yes, lemon has citric acid but it does not create acidity in the body once metabolized.

3. Helps with weight loss: Lemons are high in pectin fiber, which helps fight hunger cravings. It also has been shown that people who maintain a more alkaline diet lose weight faster.

4. Aids digestion: Lemon juice helps flush out unwanted materials. It encourages the liver to produce bile which is an acid that required for digestion. Efficient digestion reduces heartburn and constipation.

5. Is a diuretic: Lemons increase the rate of urination in the body, which helps purify it. Toxins are, therefore, released at a faster rate which helps keep your urinary tract healthy.

6. Clears skin: The vitamin C component helps decrease wrinkles and blemishes. Lemon water purges toxins from the blood which helps keep skin clear as well. It can actually be applied directly to scars to help reduce their appearance.

7. Freshens breath: Not only this, but it can help relieve tooth pain and gingivitis. The citric acid can erode tooth enamel, so you should monitor this.

8. Relieves respiratory problems: Warm lemon water helps get rid of chest infections and halt those pesky coughs. It’s thought to be helpful to people with asthma and allergies too.

9. Keeps you zen: Vitamin C is one of the first things depleted when you subject your mind and body to stress. As mentioned previously, lemons are chock full of vitamin C.

10. Helps kick the coffee habit: After taking a glass of warm lemon water, most people suggests of less craving for coffee in the morning.

Why it has to be warm water not cold? Cold water likely provides a shock or stress factor to the body. It takes energy for your body to process cold water.

The recipe is really simple - a cup of warm water (not hot) and the juice from half of a lemon.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Your Doing Something Wrong, And Don't Even Know It

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."--Albert Einstein

If you are sick, and not well. You are doing something wrong.  Our whole dynamic, our whole being is meant to thrive.  That is how the human body works.  

You can't do the same thing and expect something different in return.
You are doing something wrong. If your sick, and if you want to get better. You have to change what you are doing.  

I was very sick.  I wanted nothing more, than to get better.  I was ready. I am telling you this because there are many people who are comfortable in their sickness.  They are saying "there is nothing they can do", "this is what life handed them", "these are the cards that were dealt", and my favorite "My doctor said there is nothing I can do".

So if this is what you believe or if it's what you want to believe, then you are not doing anything wrong.  You are living your life, the way you want.
But for those of you reading this, and you truly want to get better.  You have to change what you are doing.

By the way, I'm here to tell you, it is not a magic pill!  I'm sorry.  Pharmaceuticals are more toxins for your body.  Your body CAN NOT handle anymore toxins.  You're working so hard everyday, on trying to detox it all out. Your body doesn't even have a chance to try, and fix your sickness.  You need a relief, it needs to stop, beings so busy, on trying to detox poisons, so it can start doing, what it needs to do, to get better.  We don't even have to know what is wrong. That's what our body will do, it will go where it needs to go, to fix whatever is wrong. That is what, our bodies, are designed to do.  

So what now?  Where are all these hidden toxins? ,, So we can start eliminating them. So we can get out of our own way, and let our body do its job, to get better.

We’re all toxic, it’s just a matter of how severe.  The more toxic someone is, the more sick that person is.
We are not designed for this toxic overload, of a world we live in, today.

Maybe if it was done gradually over thousands of years. Then by evolution, we would have evolved, and it wouldn't be an overload for us.  But we to quickly became a toxic world, to fast, and its killing us.

If you think you are sick because of your genes, you are wrong.  It has nothing to do with your genes.  Ok maybe you are predisposed for your disease.  Maybe it is easier for you, then someone else, to catch what you caught.  But make no mistakes about it, that is not why you are sick.

Did you know that most people diagnosed with breast cancer, does not even have the gene for it. Many don't even have, a gene for, any type of cancer, yet they have breast cancer.  So you see you are not sick because of your DNA.  
You are sick because of what you are doing, you are doing something wrong, whether you know it are not.  

Most people don't even know, what they are doing wrong.
Are you doing the obvious things wrong, you know you shouldn't, like smoking and drinking?

Are you doing things like, drinking your water from the tap?  Or do you think it's good because you drink bottled water, but is it bottled in Plastic?
Still buying conventional foods full of chemicals and GMOs?
Maybe you stopped eating meat, and animal foods, which is a very good move, but do you now consume a lot of soy?
Are you still using deodorant, with parabens and aluminum?

When ordering from a restaurant, do you know if they are using recycled vegetable oil? As a way of cutting costs. Or get this,,, as a way of going green?  That's what the companies are calling it.  The companies that are selling them filtered used oil, from the bottom of the fryers that other restaurants already used.  That's just nasty!!  
Which by the way just multiplies and condenses all the carcinogens in them, making it more, and more poisonous. 

So you see maybe, you thought you were doing things right, but you had no idea.
Maybe you had no idea that as of 2004 food distributors no longer have to remove their food products from their warehouse when spraying for bugs or during fumigation of rats and pests?,, even if the food is exposed! ,,,They only have to remove them if the food is organic!

It is so sick, what we are allowing without our knowledge.

So now do you see? ,,,You are sick because of what you are doing, and more than likely, you don't even know you're doing anything wrong.

Friday, November 9, 2012

The Best Way To Get Your Probiotics

     Most people know the many benefits of probiotics.  I will be going over that later on, 
but for right now, I want to touch on the best way of receiving them.  

     The best way to get your probiotics is not through supplementation. I found there is 
no comparison to the quality and quantity in receiving your probiotics in food form.

    The good bacteria is far more superior in the form of raw cultured or raw fermented vegetables, like kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut, and my personal favorite, raw apple cider vinegar. 

     If you are not making it homemade, there is a very good one on the market by the brand "Bragg" organic, raw, unfiltered, unpasteurized Apple Cider Vinegar (with the mother).
     Just a teaspoon or two can be taking straight, or mixed in water, once or twice a day.  Can also be taking with your meals. (its a good idea to shake the bottle before each use). 

     You will notice a profound positive shift in your health when you begin adding fermented foods as a part of your daily diet.

Hippocrates was said to have used Apple cider vinegar as a health tonic, and American soldiers are said to have used it to combat indigestion, pneumonia, and scurvy.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

The World Is Mad

    The world is mad. Where we think that drugs (that we have no idea what they are doing) will be a fix all. A world where we believe we have no control over if we get sick or not. Like it is a lucky hit or miss. USA has the highest in cancer than anywhere else in the world. Yet we have the most doctors, and highest, and best healthcare? Our food is full of more, and more chemicals, then ever before, and we have more sickness, then ever before.
Genetically modified food is illegal, and banned in most places in the world. But here, we are not even told about them, and most people don't even know, what is a GMO food. Our government subsidizes genetically modified food, and food full of pesticides, and herbicides. The government helps these corporations that are keeping us sick, yet makes it harder for us, to get good, clean, healthy food. Food that our bodies need, to get and stay healthy, by keeping them, way more expensive, and making organic farming harder, and harder. Suppressing cures, and manipulating studies, in favor of the corporations, that are funding them. We are running factory farming, of animals, like no where in the world would do. This is why no where in the world would ever import our meat to their country., But, we're led to believe, our food is better, then anywhere else, because of the FDA, is watching out for us?… What a load of bull! We're told to listen to our doctors. The doctors that went to all those years of schooling, only had two hours of nutrition. Only 2 hours, that's funded, by the Meat, Dairy, and Sugar industry!!! This is insanity! Most doctors don't even realize this… its just crazy. They're taught to find a drug to fix their patients, keeping the pharmaceutical companies in control of our medical system. Some doctors believe, that food that's going in your mouth and swallowed would do absolutely nothing,,, but instead take this pill put in your mouth and swallow. Really?... I call that, crazy!

"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease." - Thomas Edison

You Don't Have To Be Sick

        The body can heal itself in miraculous ways, in ways that science can't explain yet. The day I actually started to put into practice,  what I have learned, was the day I changed my life forever.   I started to see, everything different.   I started to look at sickness and disease differently.   I looked at our food,  and what we put into our body, in away I have not looked at it before, and  I have never looked at western medicine the same again.

      I had years of being diagnosed with many things, not to mention, all the missed diagnoses. Thinking if only I find the right doctor that would give me the right pill, then I could be fixed. This was my mind-set, and I see this is the mind-set of many people out there.  With years of disappointments in our medical system, and faith in our food supply.  I was only growing worse, missing out of living, having my life passing me by.  Determined to get well. I had all the time in the world, to research and study, between all my pain and agony.

      Looking back on the process I went through, and seeing all the areas I explored.  I see now that only through these steps, was how I could have found out, what I found out.   A whole new world opened up to me, without pain of sickness and disease.  A world of wellness where I was in control, not a disease controlling me.  I took my life back in my own hands and stopped relying on our medical system,  to fix me.  I fixed myself, and I am writing a book, to tell all.  

   I am starting this blog to share with you some of my research, information, and some helpful links a long the way, I feel it's a way on getting this out there fast, as I'm in the middle of writing my book.  Here in this blog you will find out how I did it, and how you, or someone you love, can do it too.  You don't have to be sick.

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”
                                                            -Hippocrates (father of medicine)